Nebraska American Legion Park |
AARV Club Discount |
Amenities |
Must present your All American RV |
FROM Lincoln, go south on Highway 77 to Highway 41. Go west 14 miles to Wilber. Take Highway 103 to the south edge of Wilber. Legion Park is located west of Highway 103, 1/4 mile south of Wilber. |
Wilber is the Czech Capital of the United States and annually hosts a large cultural celebration, the Wilber Czech Festival. Campground located within 1/2 mile of downtown Wilber. |
American Legion Park is not owned or operated by All American RV Parks (AARVP). American Legion Park is an All American RV Club park, offering this special discount to members of All American RV Parks. American Legion Park makes and enforces their own rules and regulations. Your All American RV Parks membership card is required to gain entry. |
Enjoy "The Good Times"